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Photo Gallery

On this page, I share my journey as I grew older. Doing my interests made me a better person than ever. It makes me happy and became a disciplined person. And, I can say this is my unexpected moments in life.


I started playing badminton back in 2015. I had no idea that this will be the start of me playing sports because I'm not really into sports back then. Thanks to my parents who encourage me to play badminton and became a varsity player since elementary. 

Keyboard and Mouse
Keyboard and Mouse

Here are some of my photos together with my teammates when I became varsity in Sta. Clara Parish School. 

 I don't have any things to do at the house and I realize that I want to learn new things even in the middle of the pandemic. This year, I started to learn Hangul and Hiragana.

Keyboard and Mouse
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